A man is riding a bike on a hill.

Greenford town is a large suburban area along the A40 with a key town centre in the south, important industrial employment land and residential development further north and access to large green spaces.

The town centre is well-used and includes key local services such as Greenford Library and Greenford Hall. North of the town centre, the neighbourhood, and local centres at Westway Cross, Greenford Station, and Sudbury Hill establish Greenford’s character as a polycentric town.  

Greenford has significant industrial employment land which is home to a range of innovative tech, logistic, manufacturing and food businesses providing local jobs as well as attracting workers to Greenford from further away. This has meant that Greenford has fewer low paying jobs than the Ealing average, underpinned by well-paid manufacturing employment opportunities.   

With its large number of high-tech businesses, Greenford is set to become an Innovation Zone for west LondonIt will play a key role in intensifying industrial activities to help attract and accelerate growth and green businesses to provide good, green jobs.  

Greenford benefits from the proximity of large high quality green spaces such as Horsenden Hill and Brent Valley Park, as well as the Grand Union Canal and River Brent.   

Key Opportunities

A red double decker bus driving down a city street.

Enhance and diversify town centres.

A person riding a bike through a tunnel.

Improve active travel connectivity.

An aerial view of a highway with cars on it.

Potential to be an innovation zone of opportunity.

Key Strengths

A red truck driving down a street.

A strong industrial and manufacturing base.

A group of people are sitting on a bench in a park.

New developments bringing a new customer profile to the town.

A circular park with grass and a circular bench.

Green and open spaces and revitalised canal side areas.

Key Connectivity

The central logo on a white background.
0 mins

From North Acton

0 mins

From Central London

A road with a white line on it.


Road access from central London and Oxford


For news and events from Good for Ealing, and opportunities in Ealing borough.

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Town frameworks

Town Regeneration Frameworks set out the vision, objectives and infrastructure priorities to better serve local people, enable job creation, and support healthier lifestyles.

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