This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Ealing Council’s UKSPF Full Service Offer

UKSPF People & Skills Careers Hub

As part of our continued mission to support Ealing residents into sustainable employment, Ealing Council has curated a Careers Hub programme.

Our programme has been designed to reduce structural barriers to employment for all programme participants; subsequently, programme participants are guaranteed to leave our programme with increased employability or a sustainable job – or both!

Funded by UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), our Careers Hub comprises of six (6) delivery partners who have been selected to deliver a tailored service to our diverse demographic of Ealing residents.

Eligibility criteria

All potential referrals must be:

  1. 18 years old or over.
  2. Unemployed or economically inactive.
  3. Ealing residents and have right to work in the UK.

How to make a referral

To refer a resident to the relevant Careers Hub programme, simply email the most relevant delivery partner listed below (based on the resident’s support needs):

  • Please entitle your email ‘UKSPF Referral’.
  • In the body of your email, please provide:
    • the resident’s full name.
    • the resident’s contact telephone number (and email address if applicable)
    • a brief description of the resident’s support needs.
    • Any other relevant information the delivery partner should be aware of prior to contacting the referred resident.

Contact email addresses for Ealing Council’s Careers Hub Delivery Partners

All delivery partners listed below have been commissioned to deliver their respective tailored services on behalf of Ealing Council, so please refer to the relevant delivery partner based on the resident’s support needs to ensure the resident receives the most appropriate tailored support:

Connexions provide employment support and careers information advice and guidance.

To refer a resident to Connexions, email:

Learn Ealing provide short courses for ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) and self-employment training.

To refer a resident to Learn Ealing, email:

Action West London provide bespoke employment support to residents with prior justice system involvement who are looking for a fresh start [Ex-offenders].

To refer a resident to Action West London, email:

BEAM provide bespoke employment support to residents currently without a home [Homeless or At Risk of Homelessness].

To refer a resident to BEAM, email:

GOSAD provide bespoke employment support to women who are 50 years or over [Women aged 50 plus].

To refer a resident to GOSAD, email:

SEETEC provide bespoke employment support to men who are 50 years or over [Men aged 50 plus].

To refer a resident to SEETEC, email:

UKSPF Community & Place

Ealing Council’s Community & Place projects have been designed to address three (3) main overarching deliverables:

  1. Community Enterprise & Culture Hubs.
  2. Public Realm Improvements.
  3. High Street Events.

1. Setting up Community Enterprise & Culture Hubs

We will activate under-used and long-term vacant council-owned and other assets on local high streets in the borough’s most deprived and/or under-invested areas, adding to the local cultural offer, supporting entrepreneurs with access to affordable workspace and providing a space for local young people to develop projects they can relate to.

We will create three (3) Community Enterprise & Culture hubs in Southall, Northolt and Acton.

2. Public Realm Improvements

We will upgrade the visual appeal of local high streets in the borough’s most deprived and/or under-invested areas with murals and other artwork, music & film heritage trail, planters and seating; with young people and the local community participating in the design and delivery and helping to maintain spaces once completed.

Here are two (2) case studies of what we have already accomplished in our mission to improve our public realm:

Case study 1:

Southall Pocket Park Project

Project summary:

The Southall Market Pocket Park project is a collaboration between Ealing Council and the Ealing Parks Foundation, a local charity.

Ealing Council, responsible for the London Borough of Ealing, has recently completed a project collaboration with the Ealing Parks Foundation to complete and deliver the Southall Market Pocket Park. Ealing Parks Foundation is a local charity that focuses on enhancing and maintaining green spaces across the area.

The project aims to attract the general public, including local residents, market vendors, and visitors to Southall High Street.

Funded by the Mayor of London’s Grow Back Greener Fund, the Southall Market Pocket Park project’s objective was to transform an existing market square into a micro greenspace. This new pocket park will feature biodiverse planting, drainage, additional seating, and tree planting to enhance the square’s climate resilience and aesthetic appeal.

The primary issues addressed by this project include high vehicular traffic, air pollution, and the lack of green spaces in Southall High Street. By introducing greenery, the project aimed to create a natural barrier against pollution, provide shade and cooling, make the area more attractive and functional for community use, and support local business activity.

 The main objectives were to:

  1. Mitigate air pollution and improve air quality through planting.
  2. Enhance the aesthetic appeal and usability of the market square.
  3. Foster community engagement and ownership through co-design and volunteer activities.
  4. Support local businesses by increasing footfall and dwell time in the market area.

Ealing Council and the Ealing Parks Foundation applied for the Grow Back Greener Fund to support residents, visitors, workers in the Southall High Street. The funding enabled the delivery of this project.


Project impact:

Three (3) key early successes of this project are as follows:

  1. Community Engagement and Co-Design: The project successfully engaged the local community, including students from Villiers High School’s gardening club, in the co-design process. This participatory approach ensured that the design of the planting beds in Southall Square reflected the needs and preferences of its users.
  2. Environmental Improvements: steps were taken to enhance the environmental quality of the market square. Planting sessions involving the community led to the establishment of biodiverse planting areas, improved drainage, and a cooler, more shaded environment.
  3. Flexibility and Adaptation: Despite facing challenges such as unexpected ground conditions and cost overruns, the project team adapted effectively to ensure delivery of the project’s objectives.

Notable Outcomes:

  • 35 sqm of new, green space; 3 trees, 2 planting beds, seating blocks with inscriptions designed by students, and a community notice board.
  • Total of 275 community members participated in the initial survey, informing the design process.
  • Multiple planting sessions engaged over 50 students and community volunteers.

The Southall Market Pocket Park project has improved users of the square by providing a greener, more pleasant environment. The reduction in air pollution and increased green space contribute to better public health, while the enhanced market square supports local businesses by attracting more visitors.


Testimonials from Local High School (Villiers High School):

“Watching our students engage with the Southall Square project has been a great experience. Their insights during the site visits and planning sessions transformed the Square from a dull area to a vibrant space. Their creativity in suggesting more greenery and colourful elements is noticeable in the almost completed space. It’s gratifying to see their hard work and ideas come to life.”


The project aims to sustain and build upon its initial successes. Ealing Council has commissioned a five-year maintenance plan to ensure the longevity of the pocket park. Additionally, ongoing partnerships with local schools and community groups will continue, fostering continuous community engagement and involvement.

Case study 2:

Year-round Festive Lighting

Project summary:

Our Year-Round Festive Lighting project was commissioned to deliver year-round festive lighting across the boroughs 14 high street and town centres to support the local and visitor economy during festive seasons.

The Council recognizes the importance of providing festive lighting and decorations to shopping areas within the borough as it is valued by local businesses and the community.

The lighting stock used in previous year were purchased many years ago, so an investment has been made to renew and replace these with lights that are suitable to remain in situ for a period of at least 5 years, and suitable for being switched on and off for year-round events.

Ealing Council appointed lighting experts, Studio Dekka, to assist with creating a Festive Lighting Strategy for the borough. This was delivered during November and December 2023.

A total of 520 street light columns across 14 high streets and town centres were successfully installed with new festive lighting to street lighting columns that can be switched on and off for different festivals throughout the year.


Project impact:

The Year-Round Festive Lighting project has been successfully completed:

  • A total of 520 lighting features have been installed to street lighting columns across 14 high streets and town centres in Ealing.
  • The lights have been designed and installed to enable them to be switched on to celebrate events and festivals year-round, not just for the Christmas festive season.

Key stats:

  • 520 year-round festive lighting features installed to street lighting columns across 14 high streets and town centres.
  • The project has improved 1,872sqm public realm.

The Ealing High Streets Taskforce, including business representatives across multiple high streets and town centres were involved in the project and will be agreeing a programme of dates when the lights will be switched on and off for festivals each year.



John Martin, Chair of Ealing’s High Street Taskforce stated: “We are really pleased with the impact the new festive lighting has achieved across all the boroughs high streets and town centres. Festive lighting is key to attract visitors to our high streets and fosters a real sense of community and celebration which helps to strengthen local identity and encourages residents to support their local businesses. We are excited to be able to switch the lights on and off for different events and festivals throughout the year and are working on a schedule to facilitate this.”

3. High Street Events

We will work with high street stakeholders to plan and curate year-round events that reflects and appeal to diverse local communities to generate footfall, animate local high streets and generate visitor satisfaction and delight.

Here is a case study of what we have already accomplished in our mission to create a rich cultural experience for our residents and visitors alike:

Case study 1:

Create Lates Events

Project summary:

The aim of the ‘Create Lates’ event series was to introduce unique and exciting evening and night-time activities in the borough of Ealing, to raise awareness of the work being done to develop a new Evening and Night-Time Economy Strategy for Ealing and to engage with the local community in its development.

Ealing Council procured Dan McGeady, Colourblind Ltd, to curate the programme. The six-day festival was free to attend and comprised 15 events including a series of art workshops, demos, talks and dance classes. Events took place across Southall, North Acton and Ealing Broadway. The events were curated to involve a range of local artists and venues to deliver a wide spanning programme designed to help incubate ideas, creativity, and opportunities, as well as chance to connect with local businesses and some of the amazing creative communities inside Ealing.


Project impact:

The Create Lates events were a resounding success:

  • Exceeding its original outputs and objectives.
  • Events were sold out and attended by 311 participants.
  • Participants and artists running the events provided very positive feedback and would like the series to continue.

Key learnings:

  • There is a demand for evening and night-time activities (both from participants and artist/practitioner perspectives) for events that are creative, inclusive, support well-being and that are not focused on the consumption of alcohol.
  • There is a lack of suitable venues for many of these activities to take place in central/high street and town centre locations.

Key stats:

  • Due to the high demand the festival took place over 6 days (original brief was 3)
  • 15 events were held and sold out (original brief was for 12)
  • 311 people participated (the original brief was for 240)
  • 40% of participants travelled from outside of Ealing to attend the events (including from Stratford, Merton, Streatham, Slough and Gerrards Cross)
  • 8 venues were involved and supported.
  • 12 local creatives were involved and supported.

Key learnings and feedback from participants will contribute towards the development of Ealing’s Night Time Economy Strategy, which will be presented to Cabinet in July 2024.

Dan McGeady, curator of Create Lates, said: “It was an amazing experience to engage with local artists and practitioners, empowering them to orchestrate captivating evening events within their communities. Witnessing people forge new friendships, discover local creative enterprises, and acquire new skills and sports with a positive impact was my highlight of the project.”


Participant feedback (anonymous feedback collected):

“These events are incredible opportunity to get to know what the local offer of classes, services, art and culture is. So please keep doing them. Maybe run them for more days so that each event /workshop/class can have 2 dates and more ppl can join.”

“Such a lovely evening spent learning a new skill and having fun immersing ourselves into a new cultural experience. The event hosts were super friendly & helpful!”

“First-hand experience of something new, a different culture, a different activity, way way out of my comfort zone, I learned a lot.”


The Create Lates events ranged from ‘An Introduction to Cinematography’ through to a variety of ‘Martial Arts Classes’ with something for residents and visitors alike to partake in! Here are some images from some of our Create Lates events.

UKSPF Supporting Local Business

Ealing Council’s Supporting Local Business projects have been designed to support high street businesses (in particular, Hospitality businesses) to enhance trading opportunities, provide Start-Up Enterprise Support and offer Sales & Marketing Support to Existing Businesses, with a focus on supporting local existing Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in growth sectors such as Creative & Media and Technology.

Here are two (2) case studies of what we have already accomplished in our mission to support our local businesses:

Case study 1:

Accelerate Ealing

Project summary:

West London Business provides support, information, commercial and networking opportunities for organisations doing business in West London – covering the seven boroughs aligned to the West London Alliance.

Our UKSPF project (Accelerate Ealing) is an Ealing focused business support programme providing Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Ealing with expert sales and marketing advice to help their business grow.  Working with key experts in their field the programme includes workshops, 121 sessions with the experts, an annual subscription to a bespoke AI tool created for the project and peer-to-peer networking opportunities.

The aim is to:

  • Help businesses use marketing tools more effectively to create a stronger business proposition to their audiences.
  • Provide sales support in the form of perfecting their sales pitch, sales credentials, and sales plan; helping them to focus their time in the right areas to maximise their opportunities for growth.
  • Educate business owners on AI and the tools available to them including how best to use them, maximising the time they have available.

Provide ‘intel’ around what larger buyers are looking for, when reviewing suppliers; helping them to get ready to be part of the corporate supply chain.

Having worked well and successfully with colleagues in Ealing Council previously on many business support initiatives, we felt that we were well placed to bid for and deliver this programme, providing value for money and to be able to hit the ground running given our previous experience and knowledge.


Project impact:

The aim was to:

  • provide expert marketing support and consultancy with 40 businesses; and up to 80 subscriptions to the bespoke AI tool.
  • Provide expert sales advice and consultancy to 40 businesses; helping them to perfect their pitch, understand their business goals, create their sales plans and plan for the future.
  • To create a shared network of peer-to-peer support for business owners.


Current Stats:

65 organisations enrolled in the Free AI tool.

67 Marketing programmes in delivery

67 Sales programmes in delivery

7 masterclasses held,

3 webinars

Average of 8.7/10 satisfaction rating

57+ 1:1 consultancy sessions undertaken


Project Impact:

The 65+ businesses that the programme has supported are in varying stages of evolution.  Each has taken advantage of the bespoke, consultative nature of the programme delivery to hone their marketing and sales skills.  The feedback provided after each session clearly indicates how this was needed to support their growth, success and sometimes survival.



Each of the following has gone through the programme taking advantage of both the sales and marketing aspects to improve their business.

“I highly recommend the marketing workshop for any business looking to refine their strategy and boost lead generation. It has streamlined our marketing efforts and significantly improved our approach to acquiring leads. Thanks to this workshop, I am confident that our business is now more robust and future-ready.” Pierre de Pingon, Co-founder of Blast Studio

 “This is a useful course which helps you to look at your marketing strategy and tools from a new perspective.  As a bonus of the course, you will be invited to join a pilot for using a new AI tool, which is surprisingly useful!  As with all courses, you get what you put in and whilst there is of course a small time commitment involved, my experience was that this was certainly worth the effort.” Barry Bassett, Owner and Managing Director at VMI.TV Ltd

 “I would recommend this programme of support for anyone who needs to review, reassess or strengthen their sales and marketing strategy going forward.  Participation allowed me to connect with peers, reset my thinking and take advantage of external influences in a safe and trusted environment to help me hone my focus for the year ahead.” Lutz Johnen, Managing Director at Aquality Trading & Consulting Ltd

Case study 1:

Start Up Enterprise Support for Women

Project summary:

Westmont Enterprise Hub is located at the University of West London.  The Hub is an ideation space for students and residents to develop their business ideas. The space is open to existing and would-be-entrepreneurs who wish to develop their ideas, collaborate and work from the space.

To access women from hard-to-reach communities who wish to develop their business ideas and/or running their micro-businesses from home.  Ealing is a multicultural borough where many groups remain ‘hidden’.  Nationally only one in three entrepreneurs are female.  The aim of the programme is to increase the number of female entrepreneurs from different communities to develop their business ideas.  Also, contributing to the local economy in the long term.

The University of West London engages in a great deal of outreach with different communities within the borough of Ealing. 


Project impact:

The first cohort for the Start-Up Enterprise Support for Women programme commenced in February 2024. Some of the women participants collaborated with one another in their businesses.  Also, being part of a collective of entrepreneurs, they are not isolated, they feel supported. A couple of the women have incorporated their businesses.

Women have a plethora of business ideas and business support is required.  Delivering the programme in the community reach women who may not travel further for business support. Participants feel supported in a group and do not feel isolated.

This programme will provide an invaluable opportunity to be part of a collective of entrepreneurs from across different community groups, communities etc. with business support which is accessible to all.



Participant Rani Masih, founder of Once a Lost Sheep, a Christian Art & Calligraphy startup incorporated her business.  She stated: “This program has been transformational for me, and I am indebted to all the incredible people I met throughout the journey. It has given me the tools, knowledge, and confidence to bring my business, Once a Lost Sheep, to life.’’

UKSPF Supply Ready West London

Ealing Council’s Supply Ready West London (SRWL) programme has been designed to provide business support for Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Ealing, Harrow and Hillingdon, in sectors impacted by the pandemic; enabling them to access public-sector linked supply chains, understand buyer needs, meet gateway, compliance and other requirements and secure bids, safeguarding existing jobs and creating new jobs as a by-product of enabled growth.

Here are two (2) case studies of what we have already accomplished in our mission to support Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Ealing, Harrow and Hillingdon to become more Supply Ready:

Case study 1:

Ealing SRWL

Project summary:

Branduin Business Support Ltd is the leading business support delivery team in London & South East England having delivered more than 35 business support programmes to 20,000 SMEs (including VCSEs) over the past 13 years – in Hounslow, Ealing, Hillingdon, Brent, Hammersmith & Fulham, Sutton, Wandsworth, Lambeth, Watford, West Sussex, Hertfordshire, and Surrey.

Branduin collaborates with Local Authorities, Growth Hubs, Chambers of Commerce and University Entrepreneur Hubs to identify and deliver the business growth services required to meet their strategic objectives and build community wealth.

Ealing Council commissioned Branduin to deliver a UKSPF Supplier Ready supply-chain business engagement, skills development, and bids and tender support package for SMEs based in the Borough.

The objective of the Fit To Bid® programme is to help local businesses enhance their skills and capability to bid for contracts at Ealing Council, construction and infrastructure projects, and Local Anchor Institutions (large buyers).

The scope of the Fit To Bid® programme includes specialist skills training workshops, Meet the Buyer events, and confidential 1-2-1 tender business advice sessions with expert advisors to help SMEs identify and overcome key challenges, navigate the complexities of the supply chain, and be in a better place to win new contracts.

Branduin support in the enhancement and localisation of West London’s supply-chain by connecting local SMEs to Council Procurement and large private sector buyers.


Project impact:

The Ealing UKSPF Supplier Ready programme was launched with great success with a well-attended Engage with Procurement event where senior representatives from partner organisations and service provider Branduin presented an innovative programme designed to help local businesses win new contracts.

Date: Wed 15th May 2024

Time: 3.30pm arrival for 4pm-6pm 

Location: Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Rd, W5 2HL


Speakers and Presenters:


Local Authority


Ealing Council

– Naseem Kauser – Head of Employment, Enterprise, and Apprenticeships

– Connor McDonagh – Assistant Director for Economic Growth

– Adrian Moodey – Procurement Category Lead, Construction & Estates


Anchor Institutions – Large Buyers


West London Chambers of Commerce

– Alan Rides – CEO


University of West London

– Davinder Sarai – Senior Procurement Consultant


Heathrow Airport

– Chris Pearce – Head of Procurement

– Isabelle Liu – Supply Chain Manager


HS2 Project Team – SCS Railways

– Martin Mirimo – Supply Chain Manager


Better Futures Carbon Reduction Initiative

– Gemma George – Sustainability Manager


UKSPF Supplier Ready Service Provider


Branduin Business Support

– Nauzar Manekshaw – Managing Director

– Charlie McClelland – Fit To Bid® Lead Advisor


Outputs and outcomes:

  • Total 75 SMEs registered for the event.
  • 60 participants attended this successful event, including SMEs and partner organisations.
  • There was a fantastic buzz in the room during the networking session between SMEs and Large Buyers We received excellent feedback from the SMEs who attended, supplemented by three positive emails.
  • Presentations subsequently emailed to all attendees, along with links to register for the skills webinars.
  • We now have a caseload of 70+ Ealing-based SMEs to deliver skills workshops and 1-2-1 tender advice sessions.
  • Meet The Buyer event scheduled at the Ealing Festival of Business on 17th Oct 2024 at University of West London.

Case study 1:

Harrow SRWL

Project summary:

BIDRIGHT UK is one of London’s top bid-writing consultancies with over 12 years’ experience of managing successful high-quality tender submissions to procurement rounds across a range of industry sectors, such as Health & Social Care/NHS, Early Years to Adult Education, Welfare to Work, Arts, Creative and Culture, IT/Digital, Construction and Recruitment.

Bidright’s Supplier Ready programme for Harrow Council provides expert independent advice and consultancy to Harrow businesses, within under-served communities and businesses led by women, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities. The project aims to enhance SME/Micro/Sole Trader competitiveness, identify new customers and market opportunities, predominantly in the public sector, improving supplier readiness to bid for and win new contracts. The project supports businesses at all stages of development to start, sustain, grow, and innovate, creating and safeguarding jobs.



Our Supplier Ready project intends to deliver capacity building activities to support 100 Harrow based enterprises to become supplier ready. These enterprises are predominantly in the following industries that have been adversely affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and/or have significant public sector tender opportunities, and contribute to social value in the capital: Arts, Creative and Cultural, Health & Social Care, Early Years, Retail and Property, Business services and Administration, Recreation & Leisure including Facilities Management, Construction & Transport, IT and Digital Services, Recruitment and Employment Services, Voluntary and Community Social Enterprises.



Our project is particularly targeting SMEs who may have limited awareness of how to apply for public sector contracts and many of them will never have submitted a bid or proposal before.

Our project incorporates an interactive portal where Harrow Council and other Tier One suppliers can advertise small contracts under £100,000 that are relevant for SMEs and micro enterprises. Bidright will support organisations to register on this portal and apply for contracts as well as supporting them to find and apply for other relevant tendering opportunities elsewhere.


Project impact:

We are aiming to support 100 businesses to become supplier ready, with 60 attending training courses and 40 receiving 1-1 consultancy support and 10 businesses to submit a tender for a public sector contract.



We started engaging businesses in March 2024 and in the last three months we have registered 43 businesses on the programme. 20 have attended bid-writing training, 3 organisations have received consultancy and 2 have submitted tenders.



We have so far delivered 2 face-to-face networking sessions in Harrow, one at Harrow Business Centre and the other at Metrobank and Greenhill Library, attended by over 30 organisations. We have delivered 2 face-to-face courses, attended by 11 organisations in total, and 4 online courses attended by 9 organisations. We have established close links with local organisations including Voluntary Action Harrow, Brent and Harrow Chamber of Commerce and Harrow Metrobank.


Practical results from the training include: helping organisations register on relevant bidding portals and starting to look for relevant opportunities. We have also delivered courses on specific issues that organisations find difficult, such as answering Social Value questions in tenders.



We have discovered that many of the organisations attending were not previously even aware that they are able to apply for public sector contracts and most have not previously submitted tenders. We have therefore carried out awareness raising through a targeted phone campaign as well as visiting five industrial estates and Harrow High Street to engage with local businesses.



We have supported two organisations to submit tenders. An example of this is an organisation (KEYS Consulting) that formed a consortium of small organisations to join together to apply for a Brent Construction Framework opportunity. Bidright supported them to create missing text and ensure that their answers met the commissioner’s requirements. We also helped them with technical difficulties with submitting the tender on the day, and their CEO, Gladston Matheson commented: “Huge thanks to Sally-Ann of Bidright, there was a technical issue on the day when making the submission, but she resolved the issue”. We are looking forward to supporting them on the next stage of the tendering process.

Another organisation, MAD4 Business also received consultancy around producing a tender and has been so happy with support received that they have publicised the project throughout their own social media networks.


For news and events from Good for Ealing, and opportunities in Ealing borough.

Launch Form

Town frameworks

Town Regeneration Frameworks set out the vision, objectives and infrastructure priorities to better serve local people, enable job creation, and support healthier lifestyles.

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