Following Ealing Council’s success in securing over £7million in Levelling Up funding for transport infrastructure and various GLA grants, Northolt is now formally recognised by government and the GLA as one on London’s next key areas for transformative levels of growth and investment.
An innovative approach to growth is being adopted to transform the town to a sustainable neighbourhood with a thriving local economy. Through the Visions for Northolt programme, Ealing Council is working with local people to deliver a community-led vision for the future of the area. This will create a strong local economy and housing offer, with a range of jobs, services, and amenities for all.
Northolt has a strong convenience retail offer which caters for the diverse local population. Enhanced and new town centres will be supported by a range of mixed-use developments including different housing types and tenures.
Northolt has a strong industrial business base, located on the western edge of the Ealing Productivity Arc, with specialisms in manufacturing, wholesale, transport, and storage. Intensification and enhancement of this industrial cluster will harness projected growth in the industrial sector and build on Northolt’s existing industrial specialisms.
There area is home to a wealth of green spaces, including Belvue Park, a Local Nature Reserve and site of a 14th century moated manor which sits at the heart of the Northolt Village Conservation Area. Ealing Council have secured GLA Green and Resilient Spaces funding to deliver the ‘Green Ring’ – a new 6.3km walking and cycling route that connects and celebrates Northolt’s green spaces.
Ealing Council and Transport for London are working collaboratively to bring forward significant active travel, public realm and highways improvements across the town. Northolt Underground Station is being prioritised for Step Free Access improvements and there is the opportunity for new Bus and Mobility Hubs located in each Town Centre to provide improved public transport connectivity across the town and beyond. 
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