The New Local Plan Regulation 19 document is here!

We have been on a journey over the last 2 years, working with you, our residents, community organisations, residents’ groups and others to develop the council’s new Local Plan.

Our vision of creating new spaces for residents, across our all our 7 towns, whether its genuinely affordable homes, bustling community centres, or thriving highstreets is key to building a better borough for future generations.

These new spaces are right at the heart of creating a sense of place in our borough, so our residents can live in neighbourhoods filled with identity, pride, and purpose. The Local Plan has an important part to play in making this a reality.

Regulation 19 is the final opportunity to send in your feedback. The draft plan has been updated since the Regulation 18 consultation and now represents the plan the council would want to see adopted.

This is a key stage in a long path towards a critical set of policies which provide a framework for shaping development in the borough over the next 15 years. The plan will guide planning decisions on homes, infrastructure, climate change, jobs, and how we can address health issues and inequalities in the borough. The Local Plan also shows what needs to be protected, conserved or enhanced such as green spaces, canals, heritage assets, shopping areas and employment space. Because of the long-term impact, this is a plan designed not only to improve neighbourhoods and residents’ lives now and in the next decade or so, but also those for generations to come.

To let you know more about the development of the Local Plan, we have a webinar on development management policies. You can sign up to join us and learn more about the policies that will be changing the borough through the new Local Plan:

The Local Plan informs key decisions that will be made and will impact life in the borough for years to come.

For instance it:

  • provides a focus on growth and investment in the borough, for example, a developer tax to support growth
  • promotes active travel to help reduce carbon emissions to net zero and improve air quality and the health of residents
  • provides clarity on where ‘tall buildings’ are considered to be suitable and permitted in terms of function and accessibility, and do not cause significant impact to local character
  • promotes employment opportunities and spaces, a fairer balance between new jobs and new homes and increased collaboration with local residents and businesses to create more job opportunities
  • increase affordable housing at new developments by increasing the threshold for the fast-track route from 35% to 40%affordable housing

Council leader, Peter Mason says:

“Our vision for the local plan is one where growth is spread across all of our boroughs 7 towns, so that our residents can have access to genuinely affordable homes, good and well-paid jobs, and live in communities filled with identity and pride.

“We want to take advantage of the strengths that Ealing has to offer, unrivalled connectivity with 5 Elizabeth line stations, the A40 and the soon arriving HS2, industrial opportunity with Park Royal and Southall, and the wealth of green and open spaces across the borough.

“We’ve engaged with thousands of residents from across the borough on this plan, and we know that building upon these areas will allow us to make Ealing a destination rather than just a dormitory suburb, where new businesses can grow and thrive, and our residents can live, learn, and raise a family.”

Councillor Shital Manro, cabinet member for good growth and housing said: “Our plan is in some areas determined by national and London planning rules and guidance, but we set out to be ambitious. Ambitious in the scale of engagement we carried out, and ambitious for a plan for managing development and deliver investment in the borough carefully and sustainably for the benefit of everyone in each of our 7 towns.

“We have consulted widely – this is a plan developed with residents for residents. Once the plan has been approved, we will continue to work with residents and businesses in making key decisions so that all have the better, brighter and fairer future they deserve.”

Take a look at the plan here: Draft new Local Plan document (Regulation 19) | Ealing Council

Visit the new Local Plan web page to learn more: New Local Plan | New Local Plan | Ealing Council

Contact the Strategic Planning team if you have any queries:


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