Ealing’s new Evening and Night-Time Economy Strategy (ENTES)

Ealing will be one of the best places in London to go out, work and run a business between the hours of 6pm and 6am.


Ealing’s Night Time Economy covers a broad range of economic services and professions, not limited to pubs and restaurants but security services, local shops and off-licenses, healthcare services, cleaning services, night-time transport services, IT support services, artistic and cultural services and a range of others.

This strategy will consider how to:

  • Engage and work in partnership with businesses, residents and key stakeholders to support an evening and night time economy that works for everyone.
  • Support existing businesses and attract new business to grow a resilient evening and night-time economy that provides good quality employment opportunities for our residents.
  • Celebrate the unique offer of each of Ealing’s 7 towns, recognising the importance of the evening and night time economy to the vibrancy of our high streets and town centres.
  • Ensure our 7 towns have a variety of restaurants, bars, community facilities and cultural attractions that are high quality, distinctive, safe, enjoyable and accessible. These will promote community cohesion, health and well-being, as part of the 20-minute neighbourhood approach.
  • Promote safe and accessible travel at night across the borough, including public transport, walking, cycling and high-quality public realm.

For the purposes of this strategy, Ealing’s Evening and Night Time Economy refers to:

Economic and cultural events and businesses that drive a broad spectrum of activity across the borough, during the evening and night time.

In line with the approach taken at the regional level, this strategy will focus on activities which take place from 6pm to 6am. We will also consider how these activities are integrated with Ealing’s “day time” economy which occurs outside of the hours specified.

The development of the evening and night time economy  strategy will also be informed by and linked with the work associated with the London Borough of Culture and the Local Plan.

Support Ealing’s bid for London Borough of Culture 2025 – Good for Ealing
Draft New Local Plan Reg 19 – Good for Ealing

Three key principles will guide engagement on this strategy:

  • Engage widely, by ensuring we are talking to communities and groups we have not reached before
  • Engage with inclusivity and accessibility in mind, by producing information and designing surveys that are clear and understandable to different groups and by building processes that are accessible to different people, i.e. disabilities, demographics and access to online surveys etc
  • Engage transparently, honestly and collaboratively to ensure everyone has the opportunity to respond to the consultation, co-develop recommendations and support the co-delivery of these.

Get involved!

We want to ensure that we are reaching out to and taking on board views from all sections of the community, across all of our 7 towns, and in particular engage with five key audiences:

  • Ealing local residents, community groups and town centre visitors
  • Evening and night-time workers
  • Local businesses and market traders
  • Evening and night-time businesses who are based in Ealing and already operate in other Boroughs
  • Local creatives and cultural organisations
  • Other key stakeholders and agencies

Our online consultation launched on Wednesday 6th March and will close by the end of April! 

Please complete our online survey by following the link here: Give My View

Add a Listing

Please email us to submit details of any vacant commercial space or opportunity sites that you may have now or in the near future within the London Borough of Ealing.

Once verified, these listings will be added to Ealing Council’s new Good for Ealing's new Opportunity Sites.

Our contact email:

Town frameworks

Town Regeneration Frameworks set out the vision, objectives and infrastructure priorities to better serve local people, enable job creation, and support healthier lifestyles.

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