Ealing’s High Five Award

Ealing Council’s food safety team has introduced a scheme that recognises excellent food hygiene, particularly where significant improvements have been made.

The High Five award has been created to recognise local businesses that were previously found to have not been fully compliant with food safety and hygiene standards, but then went on to make huge improvements and raise their scores dramatically.
The first High Five award was given to Boof Restaurant, an Iranian restaurant in New Broadway, Ealing. The restaurant worked with the council to raise its food hygiene rating to a 5 in 4 months.

Mohammad Reza, owner of Boof, said: “We are very proud to display our 5-star food hygiene rating. We are open throughout the Christmas period and hope that our excellent rating will encourage customers to eat at our restaurant.”

The council’s latest award went to Samrat, a Bangladeshi and Indian restaurant in Pitshanger Lane, Ealing. The owner worked closely with the council to make some improvements earlier this year, resulting in a fantastic food hygiene rating of 5 in just 6 months. This is the top rating – with 0 the lowest and 5 the highest.

Food hygiene inspections focus on 3 main areas, which are: hygienic food handling, cleanliness and condition of facilities and building, and management of food safety.

Councillor Louise Brett, the council’s cabinet member for decent living incomes, said: “Our food safety team works hard to support businesses, improve standards and keep residents safe.

Boof and Samrat are prime examples of how a 5-star food hygiene rating is good for business.”

If you are business you can find out more about the services of the council’s food safety team here. Business support – Good for Ealing

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